Growers need an insect control product that’s as gentle on plants and beneficials as it is effective against harmful insects. Look no further than Enstar® AQ IGR. This water-based formulation delivers broad-spectrum and long-residual control of a wide variety of labeled insects.

Enstar® AQ IGR also causes adult insects to lay sterile eggs after coming into contact with its active ingredient, S-Kinoprene. Enstar® AQ IGR can also be rotated and used in tandem with Mavrik Aquaflow®, offering more flexibility for your IPM program and even greater control.

S-Kinoprene (18.4%), water-based formulation

Ideal for use on ornamental plants in greenhouses, shadehouses, lath houses and interiorscapes (i.e. atriums).

Conventional spray, fogging (Electrostatic Spraying System (ESS™) or pulsFOG®), drench, or through irrigation systems including drip, micro jet, and overhead irrigation.